Top title by Webster with a great line-up.

Another great Ben Webster album and the second title by him in the collection. Looking for more. Webster was a great tenor player of course and I really enjoy his approach. On this title I’m happy to hear Art Farmer as well who slots in wonderfully together with Webster and Harold Ashby, who is the second tenorist. A great combination. Another great addition to this session is drummer Dave Bailey.

Original pressings of Webster on Verve seems to be quite hard to find in top shape. This copy plays with some pops and tics in spots, but the sound is very nice and clear. The recording quality is great. So I’m keeping this one unless I find an even better copy. But that is probably not easy I can imagine.

Check this one out if you haven’t already cause it’s lovely music, very soulful. A mix of romantic ballads, uptempo bop and blues-forward stuff.