Evans, Hubbard, Hall, Heath, Philly Joe… you know it’s gonna be good.

When it comes to Bill Evans as a leader I have listened mostly to his trio work. This session has a larger group and he his joined by Freddie Hubbard, Jim Hall, Percy Heath and Philly Joe Jones. With that line-up you know it’s gonna be good. I especially enjoy the presence of Hubbard and Hall. Hubbard is his usual flamboyant self but also displays more introvert passages and a softer touch. Hall provides his smooth and tastefully crafted guitar lines. I really enjoy Evans in this larger format, even though I have a soft spot for his trio work, especially with LaFaro and Motian.

I’ve been after this title for a long time, bought another copy a couple of years ago, but it didn’t make the grade, so I returned it. This copy though plays fantastic. Quite an organic and natural sound on this.

Favorite tune is probably the 8 minute title track, which is an Evans original.

For me, this is a must have in any jazz collection. Do you feel the same? Have your say…