A special Blue Note…

It’s hot and exotic, mellow and moody, sensual and calming, rhythmic and joyful. When I listen to this album I close my eyes and dream away. I’m walking the streets of Havana sipping on a rum and coke and puffing on a cigar. Or maybe I’m in Brazil where the bossa nova and samba was born.

It’s not your average hard bop Blue Note date. It’s very focused on the music of Brazil. This is  my first Ike Quebec title. His tone and phrasing is so smooth, warm and breathy. It fits perfectly with this kind of music. It warms the soul. I’ve come to really love this kind of approach to the tenor. It’s such a beautiful instrument, especially when it’s played in this way.

I’ve strayed a bit from my new approach to collecting when buying this title. It’s a sought after Blue Note, so the price is gonna be higher. But I figured that since this was a title I love and one I’ve been after for quite a while I felt it was worth it. The vinyl plays like new, amazing. Very happy to have been able to acquire this one.

Favorite picks from this lovely session are ”Loie”, ”Me ’n You”, ”Shu Shu” and ”Favela”, with the latter taking top spot.