"Monk's Dream" by The Thelonious Monk Quartet on Columbia CL 1965


"Monk's Dream" by The Thelonious Monk Quartet on Columbia CL 1965

Vintage Monk.

A classic Monk on Columbia (his first on the label) that I’ve been looking for for quite a while, with the original ”Guaranteed High Fidelity” on the labels. When the opportunity arose to grab it at last I pulled the trigger. I haven’t explored Monk’s output on Columbia completely but there are some gems there. Been focused more on his Riverside stuff previously. 

The sound of this pressing is absolutely top notch and it’s in fantastic condition.

Monk stalwart Charlie Rouse is a highlight on this album, as he always tend to be. Love his playing and tone.

This is a great first Monk on Columbia title for me and I’m sure there will be more.


"Black Suite" by Jacques Coursil on BYG Actuel 49 (529.349)


"Black Suite" by Jacques Coursil on BYG Actuel 49 (529.349)

A very special album.

This is probably my favorite find of the year so far. Fantastic album by French trumpeter Jacques Coursil on the BYG label, recorded in 1969 and released in 1971. It’s dark, somber and contemplative. Beautiful in it’s sparseness. Perfect for an autumn afternoon. Coursil was a great trumpeter. He plays in a style of his own for sure. A very thoughtful and deep player. His choice of notes is so original and engaging. It lends itself to wanting to listen over and over again. The two pieces comprising both sides are composed by Coursil.

The album features a fantastic double bassist named Beb Guerin, we also have Anthony Braxton on contrabass clarinet, Arthur Jones on alto sax, Burton Greene on piano and Claude Delcloo on drums. Oustanding group. Braxton on the contrabass clarinet is a definitive highlight. The sounds he produces from this seldom used instrument in jazz is nothing short of magical. Got to mention Arthur Jones as well. His playing on the second side is wonderful.

This album is not for everyone I would imagine, but I think no one can deny it’s uniqueness. It’s a beautifully free, slow glowing piece of jazz artistry. Maybe a new candidate for my top 5 favorite jazz albums list.


"Free at Last" by The Mal Waldron Trio on ECM 1001


"Free at Last" by The Mal Waldron Trio on ECM 1001

Top stuff by Mal Waldron.

This was the first ECM title to be released in 1970. It’s a beautiful session. As I’ve mentioned many times, Waldron is one of my favorite pianists. But his later work, only released on vinyl in stereo, has been off limits for me up until some weeks ago when I added a second turntable with a stereo cartridge. So now I’m on the hunt for all his lovely albums released in the 70’s and 80’s, and Free At Last is a great start.

He embarked on a journey back from a breakdown in 1963, caused by a drug overdose. He had to learn how to play again. Gradually his skills came back, but it took several years. He came back a strong player as this album is a testament to. The liner notes are written by him and he mentions that the album marks a different approach to his music. It represented his meeting with free jazz and he goes on to write that one will hear him playing rhythmically instead of soloing over chord changes. I love this approach.

This session is a great introduction to Waldrons later career and I would urge you to check it out if you haven’t already heard it. Very much recommended.


Charles Tolliver's Music Inc Live at the Loosdrecht Jazz Festival on Strata-East SES-19740/1


Charles Tolliver's Music Inc Live at the Loosdrecht Jazz Festival on Strata-East SES-19740/1

An absolutely splendid live date.

Fantastic live album by Charles Tolliver’s Music Inc, consisting of 2 LP’s, recorded on the 9th of August 1972 at The Loosdrecht Jazz Festival in the Netherlands.

I’m definitely after more of Tolliver’s stuff. He was a brilliant trumpeter and composer. He totally smokes on this one. Before acquiring this LP the only other album in my collection that featured Tolliver was Jackie Macs’ ”It’s Time”. So the hunt is one for more of his stuff as a leader. This album is a great first catch for sure. It’s also my first Strata-East title. Plenty of great stuff on this label to try and find. The label was founded in 1971 by Tolliver and pianist Stanley Cowell.

The first tune on record 1 sets the tone from the get-go. It’s high energy and fiery stuff. You just know this is gonna be great. The sound is brilliant, a great live recording. It’s a natural and very detailed sound with an edge. Love it! The band consists of Tolliver on trumpet and fluegelhorn, John Hicks on piano, Reggie Workman on double bass and Alvin Queen on drums. Wonderful group of musicians. They sound very tight and on it.

If you haven’t heard this amazing album it’s about time you get familiar with it.

I’m really enjoying exploring 70’s jazz. I feel that this is the most fun I’ve ever had listening to and collecting jazz.


"New Africa" by Grachan Moncur III on BYG Actuel 21 (529.321)


"New Africa" by Grachan Moncur III on BYG Actuel 21 (529.321)

A beautifully crafted album.

Lovely stuff from Moncur on the French BYG label. The Actuel series has many interesting titles to explore. This one delivers a mix of post-bop and avant-garde flavors. It has a great line-up with Moncur joined by Roscoe Mitchell on alto and piccolo sax, Archie Shepp on tenor sax (one tune only), Dave Burrell on piano, Alan Silva on double bass and Andrew Cyrille on drums. As a drummer myself I always focus plenty on the drums and I truly dig Cyrille. Wonderful player.

Highlight of the album has to be the title tune ”New Africa”, which stretches over 17 minutes. ”Exploration” is quite free and here Cyrille really shines with his delightful drum patterns. The snare, cymbal and hi-hat work is very tasteful, and together with the bass lays a delicate foundation for the soloists to explore over. It’s never abrasive sounding. The overall sound is very pleasant. Also dig ”When” a lot, which is the number on which Shepp plays. It’s flows along nicely with a regular beat and feels light and airy. A great contrast to the rest of the tunes.

This has become one of my favorite albums since beginning to explore the end of the 60’s and onwards. Highly recommended.


"The Second Coming" by Rudolph Johnson on Black Jazz BJQD/11


"The Second Coming" by Rudolph Johnson on Black Jazz BJQD/11

A splendid album that blew me away.

The amount of superb jazz recorded in the 70’s is vast. Very late to the game on much of this stuff, but I’m on the other hand grateful to have so much still to discover. Like this beautiful recording from 1973 by tenor man Rudolph Johnson on the Black Jazz label. It’s astonishingly good. Johnson’s tone is full-bodied, round and defined. He was a high energy player, lyrical, but incorporating a healthy amount of fiery edge to his solos. He’s become an instant favorite just by listening to this session. It’s such a joy to discover this kind of cat this late into my jazz explorations. Will have a look at his other stuff.

The amazing music is post-bop with some spiritual elements and a sweet funky beat on one of the tunes. The recording is top notch. Clean, crisp and detailed with plenty of bass backbone. The bass is very nicely recorded. It’s very much present. I dig the drum sound a lot. The cymbals are crisp and bright. The kit sounds dry and pleasant. A down to earth sound with no reverb, which I enjoy. The tenor sounds organic, natural and powerful. The piano sounds great as well. Pianist Kirk Lightley’s solo on the title track is superb.

The whole album is a real treat and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. Go listen!


"Intensity" by Art Pepper on Contemporary M3607


"Intensity" by Art Pepper on Contemporary M3607

Art is always a great choice.

It’s been forever since I bought an Art Pepper album so this one is a welcome addition. It’s a lovely recording. Typical stuff from Pepper with plenty of lyrical solos and lots of emotion put into every note.

There are still some Pepper titles I’d like to find,  both early stuff and later stuff. But I’m quite happy with what I have managed to acquire up to this point. I’m probably leaning more towards finding some later titles, to get the fuller spectrum of his work.

Overall I’m now focusing my efforts in exploring later jazz with titles that were released in stereo primarly. From labels such as Muse, Strata East, Black Jazz, BYG, Steeplechase, Futura, ECM, Enja, Black Saint, Philly Jazz, ESP and so on. I’ve focused a lot on the avant-garde and I’m really enjoying it. There’s so much great stuff in stereo released from the mid 60’s and into the 80’s. I have secured several great albums lately, both from local stores and online, that I will be posting. Stay tuned.


"Playing" by Old and New Dreams on ECM 1205


"Playing" by Old and New Dreams on ECM 1205

Old and New Dreams was a superb live act.

Here is another Old and New Dreams title on ECM. This time it’s live. Recorded in June 1980 in Austria. Fantastic performance from this outstanding group. The sound is great. Everything sounds clear, crisp, detailed and pleasant. It could just as well have been a studio recording.

What a treat it would have been to see them live back in the day. They were masters and the music reflects that. Blackwell is probably my favorite drummer. Maybe together with Tony Williams. His playing is just out of this world. And Haden is one of my favorite bassists. An amazing artist. He is up there with LaFaro for me.

The search continues for the rest of their output as well as many more great titles from the late 60’s into the 80’s. 


Old and New Dreams on ECM 1154


Old and New Dreams on ECM 1154

What a group of musicians!

This group was absolutely stunning. One of the best from the 70’s and 80’s. Hell, one of the best of all time perhaps. Cherry, Redman, Haden and Blackwell played together as New And Old Dreams between 1976 and 1987. They released two studio albums and two live albums on two labels, which were Black Saint and ECM. All members had previously played with Ornette and they played a mix of his stuff as well as original compositions. 

This album opens with an amazing version of Ornette’s ”Lonely Woman” which of course is also the first track on ”The Shape Of Jazz To Come”. ”Togo” by Blackwell follows, which is based on a Ghanese traditional. Superb percussive work here by Blackwell. Has a great theme as well. Cherry’s ”Guinea” is next and it opens with some lovely solo playing by Cherry. He plays so beautiful here. Very lyrical. What follows when the band comes in is bliss. Great tune. 

Second side starts off with Ornette’s ”Open or Close” and it’s fire. Haden’s double bass work here is out of this world. Classic Blackwell drumming as well which really propels everything to a different level. This is musicianship on a whole different plane. Then we get a Dewey Redman (who I need to explore a lot more) original which is called ”Orbit of La-Ba”. We have oriental vibes supreme on this which I really love. Lovely rhythms going on. Top stuff from Cherry and Redman. The last tune by Haden, which is called ”Song for the Whales”, is according to the back sleeve, ”written with respect for all spieces of whales, in the hope that they will soon be protected by international law”. Haden mimics the sound of whales here with his bow. Terrific stuff when the band comes in later in the tune as well.

Fantastic album.


"Ramblin'" by Paul Bley on BYG Actuel 13 (529.313)


"Ramblin'" by Paul Bley on BYG Actuel 13 (529.313)

My first Paul Bley album is a doozy.

Great trio album by Paul Bley (my first) on the French BYG Actuel label recorded in 1966. Found this at a local store. It’s very accessible with bright and melodic stuff mixed with quiet passages, which are introspective and meditative. ”Both” being the most avant-garde tune on the album. The tunes are a mix of compositions by Carla Bley (Pauls wife), Annette Peacock (Garys wife), Ornette and Paul himself.

Favorite tunes for me are ”Mazatalon”, which is the only Paul Bley original, Ornette’s ”Ramblin” and the slow number ”Albert’s Love Theme” composed by Carla Bley..

Love the fact that there is plenty of room for bassist Mark Levinson to solo and together with drummer Barry Altschul’s contemplative and tasteful accents it creates sparse spaces which are very disarming and beautiful.

It exists two different original cover arts for this title, one with the regular white BYG Actuel front and this one, with the partly blue tinted front. No idea which came first or if they were released at about the same time.

The hunt for more BYG Actuel titles is on and I got another one on it’s way right now.


"That's It!" by Booker Ervin on Candid CJM 8014


"That's It!" by Booker Ervin on Candid CJM 8014

Another great Booker Ervin title.

Like every other Ervin album I’ve heard this one is lovely. I’ve been after it for a long time. It’s quite difficult to find in great shape so I’m happy to have found this copy which is in top shape for sure.

Ervin had a very unique style and one that is immediately recognizable. Like I’ve mentioned before, his approach is fiery and very skilful. Always connected with the blues, always soulful, whether it’s a beautiful ballad or a real cooker.

I’m aiming to collect plenty more by Ervin and I’ve managed to find several of his titles on Prestige already. I really dig those later groups.

This album is of course highly recommended.


"Black Saint" by the Billy Harper Quintet on Black Saint BSR 0001


"Black Saint" by the Billy Harper Quintet on Black Saint BSR 0001

Top notch 70’s jazz.

My explorations into the 70’s and beyond is in full motion. Here is a fantastic album by tenor player Billy Harper from 1975 on the Italian Black Saint label. It’s one of those albums that I got familiar with through Instagram when I noticed it was in a top 5 list of favorite albums of a participant in a challenge I presented to the community. I listened to it online and thought it was superb, but it was only released in stereo, which I couldn’t play. And many more examples like that have been weighing on my mind, prompting me to get a second turntable with a stereo cartridge. So I now can enjoy everything under the sun on vinyl.

This title is a real gem, and I’m loving Harper’s style. His sax is front and center and his tone strong and assured. He has some amazing runs with flurries of notes throughout that really draws you into the music, which is beautiful crafted, filled with energy and passion.

The personell on this one are Harper on tenor, Virgil Jones on trumpet, Joe Bonner on piano, David Friesen on bass and Malcom Pinson on drums. Not familiar with any of the sidemen but I’ll be sure to explore what they have put out.

There are only three tunes on this but my favorite has to be the lovely 21 minute long ”Call of the Wild and Peaceful Heart” that occupies the entire second side. I especially love the sax and drums duet at the end of the tune.

Highly recommended stuff.


"Lotus Flower" by the Woody Shaw Quintet on Enja 4018


"Lotus Flower" by the Woody Shaw Quintet on Enja 4018

A beautiful Woody Shaw album.

Alright, I now have received my additional turntable with a stereo cartridge to complement my other mono setup. It’s a beautiful vintage Thorens TD-125 LB which is very rare and sought after. It performs beautifully. It has an 12 inch tonearm which is a SME 3012 Series II, and the cartridge is a Audio Technica AT-30HE Moving Coil. Feels great to now have two turntables and to be able to enjoy both the mono and stereo experience. There is so much great stuff from the late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s that was only released in stereo, that I now can enjoy.

This lovely, newly acquired Woody Shaw title on Enja was the first one on the platter to test out the new equipment, and it sounded fantastic. What a great album this is. Recorded in 1982 with a line-up consisting of Shaw on trumpet, Steve Turre on trombone, Mulgrew Miller on piano, Stafford James on bass and Tony Reedus on drums. Outstanding group.

The music is post bop with some lenghty and highly engaging tunes. Shaw was one of the greatest trumpeters in jazz and it’s criminal that I haven’t dived deeper into his catalogue until now. Have much to look forward to. Now that I can listen to stereo records I have the ability to acquire plenty of his stuff. This album is a great start for sure.

Two favorite tunes on this album are the Shaw originals ”Rahsaan’s Run”, which is a real cooker, and the swaying ”Song of Songs”.

Highly recommended.


"Dear John C." by Elvin Jones on Impulse! A-88


"Dear John C." by Elvin Jones on Impulse! A-88

Superb stuff from Elvin.

Yesterday was Elvin’s birthday so I figured I’d post this new arrival today. This album is such a gem in the Impulse catalogue. Probably quite underrated. The band on display is a lovely bunch, consisting of Elvin on drums, the brilliant Charlie Mariano on alto sax, Roland Hanna or Hank Jones on piano and the always excellent Richard Davis on double bass.

The material recorded for the two sessions on February 23 & 25 in 1965 is varied and highly enjoyable. The sound is sublime, as you would expect from a Van Gelder recording from this era.

Been looking for this title for a long time and it seems quite rare. Very happy to have acquired this wonderful sounding copy.

I have some exciting weeks ahead as I will be buying an additional turntable equipped with a stereo cartridge so I can also listen to stereo recordings. A whole new world will be opening for me. I have started to get into a lot of stuff from the 70’s, so I will be concentrating on looking for albums from that era. I have actually already secured a great album from 1975 which will be the first one on the platter to test out the new equipment.


"Exultation!" by Booker Ervin on Prestige PRLP 7293


"Exultation!" by Booker Ervin on Prestige PRLP 7293

Another top Booker Ervin title.

Booker Ervin was such a beast on the tenor. A highly skilled and fiery player with plenty to say on the sax. In short; a bad ass cat. 

I have slowly collected his work on Prestige and this is another great session that I’ve been after for a long while, but it has proven to be a difficult one to find. So very happy to have found it in a local store. I’ve been acquiring several albums now in the past week from local stores. I feel quite fortunate to live in Stockholm where we have such a great supply of lovely stores when it comes to original jazz vinyl. 

It’s great to have Frank Strozier present on this session. A wonderful player that I have been exploring a bit during this year. Found a couple of great titles by him as a leader some months ago. Horace Parlan is on piano and his contribution is fantastic. Really dig his style. I haven’t explored his work in depth but I’m aiming to do so, and maybe end up with a title or two featuring him. We also have Butch Warren on double bass and Walter Perkins on drums. A great group.

All tunes on this album are highly enjoyable and they all offer something different. If I am to name a few favorites it would be the beautiful ballad ”Black & Blue” and the Walter Perkins penned blues ”No Land’s Man”.

Exultation is what the title suggests and more. Great stuff!


"Trio 64" by Bill Evans on Verve V-8578


"Trio 64" by Bill Evans on Verve V-8578

One of the best Evans titles post LaFaro.

There is plenty of Evans trio stuff post LaFaro that is worth seeking out. For me, this one with Gary Peacock on double bass (his only recording with Evans) is one of the best. Peacock was a worthy replacement for LaFaro, no doubt. A superb bassist with a blinding technique and a big, warm and natural sound. He gets the same space as LaFaro here and he excels in this kind of setting. Motian is on the drums which is great. This was his last recording with Evans. It feels like this trio is similar to the classic one. I get plenty of the same lovely vibes. I just wish this line-up had recorded more albums together.

I have been after this title for a long time and have had chances to grab it, but it’s not until this past Friday I finally managed to acquire it. It was a store purchase (Andra Jazz), which has been a seldom occurrence through the years, but I’ve bought several albums in local stores recently. It’s a very satisfying thing to buy an album in a physical store, have a chat with the owner, and come home with something straight away, instead of waiting for a package to arrive from overseas. Love the social aspect of it for sure.

If you dig the classic Bill Evans trio, this one might be right up your alley.


"Awakening!!" by Jimmy Woods on Contemporary M3605


"Awakening!!" by Jimmy Woods on Contemporary M3605

Great album by an underrated player.

Brilliant album by altoist Jimmy Woods consisting of material from two sessions with two different line-ups. I hadn’t listened to Woods until quite recently and got hooked on this album. He was a wonderful player with a great technique and quite a unique style which was fiery but very lyrical. He had some great ideas but he doesn’t seem to have recorded a lot, which is surprising to me considering his apparent talent. He did two albums as a leader, both on Contemporary. I’ll definitely keep my eye out for the other one, which has a killer line-up.

Very happy to see Gary Peacock in one of the line-ups. He is probably in my top 5 when it comes to double bassists in jazz. He had such a great tone on the instrument, very natural and powerful. His technique was up there with LaFaro for me. A master.

The sound on this original mono pressing is what you’d expect from a Roy DuNann recording; top notch.

Favorite pick is probably “Not Yet”, penned by the leader. Peacock has a wonderful solo on that one. “Roma”, another Woods original, is also a favorite.


"To My Queen" by Walt Dickerson on New Jazz NJLP 8283


"To My Queen" by Walt Dickerson on New Jazz NJLP 8283

A true masterpiece.

This is one of the best jazz albums ever recorded. It’s so sparse and delicate with a dreamy touch. It’s forward thinking and progressive in many ways, while using templates from the past, this music explores the possibilities of creating new ways of expressing the art form with an earthly yet heavenly, tastefully calming and rooted, yet thought provoking and modern soundscape that stays with you long after the needle has left the grooves.

The album, according to the liner notes, and I quote; is about love, inspired by, and dedicated to, Mrs. Dickerson whose portrait graces the cover.

Dickerson was an amazing artist and a master of the vibraphone. He hums along when he plays, but that’s just part of the charm. He is joined by the great Andrew Hill on piano, George Tucker on double bass and Andrew Cyrille on drums.

Hill plays very lyrical on this session but his exploring and searching way of playing is not lost. George Tucker was a lovely bassist and he gets plenty of room to shine as well. Cyrille’s drumming is one of the highlights of this album and he recorded several albums with Dickerson as well as with Cecil Taylor, among plenty of others. His discography is quite extensive and I need to explore that catalogue in depth for sure.

This copy is an original mono pressing with the correct NJLP 8283 A & B on the labels and it plays amazing. The record is pressed with pure virgin vinyl and it isn’t marred with any recycled vinyl hiss. It’s extremely difficult to find this in this condition and without the later Side 1 and 2 label text. The cover is very prone to ring wear, but this copy was in the shrink and that has kept it clean as a whistle.

Been looking a long time for this title and I finally landed one of my most wanted and couldn’t be happier.

Do you have a favorite Dickerson? Please share.


"Empyrean Isles" by Herbie Hancock on Blue Note BLP 4175


"Empyrean Isles" by Herbie Hancock on Blue Note BLP 4175

A bona fide classic.

That beautiful Englewood Cliffs sound just blasts out of the speakers. Tony Williams’ cymbal mastery is clear, bright and crisp and Hubbards’ cornet just cuts through everything. Seems this title was cut very hot! The volume is impressive. 

This is one of those Hancock titles on Blue Note I’ve been after for a long time. I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been looking for titles by three of the top post bop artists, namely Hancock, Shorter and Henderson, on Blue Note, but found it very difficult to find original mono pressings of them. I’ve managed to find a few, like In ’n Out, Inner Urge, Mode for Joe, Speak No Evil and Inventions & Dimensions. The Shorters and Hancocks have been the toughest to find. Empyrean Isles is the latest addition in my pursuit of these titles. Extremely happy to have found it at last. In top shape as well, and for a reasonable price. When it comes to Hancock titles on the want list, Maiden Voyage is at the very top.

The personell on this masterpiece are all masters on their respective intrument. They are: Herbie on piano, Freddie Hubbard on cornet (which is quite cool, instead of trumpet), Ron Carter on double bass and Tony Williams on drums. Love this group.

My favorite tune on the album is ”Oliloqui Valley” but all of the tunes, all written by the leader, are fantastic. 

It’s been a long search, but I can finally pull Empyrean off the shelf and enjoy this classic.


"Sonny Rollins on Impulse!" by Sonny Rollins Impulse! A-91-A


"Sonny Rollins on Impulse!" by Sonny Rollins Impulse! A-91-A

A really great Rollins album.

There is still plenty of Rollins stuff for me to collect. This title is one that has flown at bit under the radar for me and I’ve never really focused on finding it. I’ve of course known about it and I knew I enjoyed the wonderful calypso ”Hold ’em Joe” where Rollins tears it up. It was on the wall at a local store and I grabbed it. Glad I did cause it’s a beautiful record. Great recording.

The band on this is solid and Rollins is backed by Ray Bryant on piano, Walter Booker on double bass and Mickey Roker on drums. I really enjoy Booker on bass and he has a lovely solo on ”Everything Happens To Me”.

After listening to this original mono pressing this album has actually elevated itself to become one of my favorite Rollins albums. It’s top notch. If you haven’t heard it I suggest you listen to it. I think you’ll enjoy it a lot.
